
What’s more important than family? Making sure they are protected financially is key to most people’s peace of mind.

Life & Critical Illness Cover 

Protection doesn’t just mean ensuring there is adequate life and critical illness insurance in place should something happen to you, although this is integral to good planning, it’s only one component. 

Even if you already have cover in place. Can you be sure it is the right cover at the right price? Do you know the differences between Critical and Terminal Illness covers? If not, you’re only likely to find out in the unfortunate situation where you are required to claim on the policies. We can review your current cover, or lack of and make sure that if the worst happens, you are adequately covered. 

I can help you review the cover to ensure you have real peace of mind that your family is truly covered. 

Children’s Savings - Junior ISA (JISA) 

The rising cost of Higher Education means it’s never been a better time to plan for this by saving into a Junior ISA, helping your children get a head start in the costs associated with young adult life. A tax efficient savings vehicle in your child’s name, a JISA is able to grow free of income and capital gains tax and be paid free of income and capital gains tax from your child’s 18th birthday. 

The value of an ISA with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

The favourable tax treatment of ISAs may be subject to changes in legislation in the future.

Children's Pension 

Did you know you could save into a pension for your child from birth and get tax relief? No? Don’t worry, not many people do. 

Doing this means your child will have a healthy pension pot at retirement, not including any personal pension they accrue during their life time. Even though your child will be a non-taxpayer, they are entitled to tax relief on up to £2,880 per year, which is grossed up to £3,600. 

The value of a pension with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise.  You may get back less than the amount invested.

The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time and are dependent on individual circumstances.

Buying your dream home

I can review your finances to offer advice on which mortgage best suits you and your family to help you buy your family home.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

Got a question?

Do get in touch with us if you need a bit more information about these services, or any of our other financial planning advice.